For a World Beyond Capitalism: Perspectives and Action

  • Introduction

    We will use the term Neocommunism to describe a modern political ideology that seeks to revive and reimagine the principles of traditional communism in the context of the 21st century. Stemming from the word “neo,” which means new or revived, neocommunism aims to address the shortcomings and criticisms of previous communist systems while adapting to…



    The defeats inflicted on the Western world in recent decades are insurmountable without radical changes in the socio-economic system. If we think of society as an organism, the perception and the central nervous system have been pathologically altered, in parallel with numerous tumor formations, causing disrupted blood supply and kidney failure leading to intoxication and…

  • The Path Towards Change

    The Path Towards Change

    In the shadows of our current capitalist societies, where wealth is amassed in the hands of a few, the specter of communism looms large. An examination of the oligarchy’s reaction to a burgeoning communist movement allows us to learn from our historical predecessors’ triumphs and tribulations. The central thesis of this inquiry is that a…

  • Truth-Telling in the Age of Discontent

    Truth-Telling in the Age of Discontent

    The insidious forces of neo-liberalism, market fundamentalism, and corporate greed have weaved a tapestry of deception. The truth of social relations and economic dynamics is obscured by a haze of propagandistic and biased language. The capitalist superstructure exerts influence over the cultural and intellectual life of society, shaping consciousness in a way that naturalizes the…

  • The Mirage of Isolated Communism

    The Mirage of Isolated Communism

    The notion of constructing a communist society within the confines of a single nation-state represents a tantalizing dream, filled with revolutionary fervor and a profound commitment to egalitarian principles. However, an investigation into the complex dynamics of global interconnectedness, state sovereignty, and historical precedents reveals that this pursuit, though noble, is ultimately quixotic. II. The…

  • The Dissolution of the Communist International

    The Dissolution of the Communist International

    In the tempestuous years following the Russian Revolution, the global labor movement found itself in unprecedented upheaval. The birth of Soviet Russia symbolized hope for millions, as the glimmering red star of communism found a place in the skies. But as history unfolded, the trajectory of the international communist movement experienced unexpected contortions, many of…

  • Suicidal Boomerang

    Suicidal Boomerang

    To sustain the illusion of “justice” and “reasonableness” of the oligarchic system, the masses must be kept at a low intellectual and cultural level, along with propaganda. They must be rendered incapable of critical thinking, and moral norms must be destroyed so that human conscience does not motivate behavior. The Ideological Conflict: A Historical Recapitulation…

  • Entangled Ideologies and the Subjugation of Conscience

    Entangled Ideologies and the Subjugation of Conscience

    In the din and clamor of modern media, entangled in a tendentious propaganda verbal background reminiscent of George Orwell’s Newspeak, the vast majority of people live under the murky illusion of the “legality” and “justification” of the established modern socio-economic order. Contemporary social reality is presented to the growing generation in the same way that…

  • The Myth of Inequality

    The Myth of Inequality

    In the capitalist paradigm, the division of labor and the distribution of income are profoundly disconnected from the social utility and intrinsic value of work. It is often unquestioned why a janitor, integral to the hygienic functioning of an organization, receives compensation so disparately low compared to a director who oversees the company’s strategies. Both…

  • Reevaluating Society’s Priorities

    Reevaluating Society’s Priorities

    The paradox of human existence lies in our pursuit of sustenance and survival, juxtaposed against a complex web of socio-economic mechanisms that often appears contrary to the essential requirements of life. This intricate mosaic paints a picture where the vast majority of humanity seems engaged in pursuits that extend far beyond the necessities of existence:…

  • Future with Small-Scale Units and Worker Governance

    Future with Small-Scale Units and Worker Governance

    The current state of global capitalism, with its marked concentration of wealth and power, has spurred new debates and dialogues about alternatives to the economic status quo. One such alternative proposes the radical restructuring of business organizations through a process of nationalization, fragmentation, and democratized governance. This vision seeks to address issues of inequality, worker…

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